
The Lady who got me started

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


In the last few months time has slipped away...A month ago my mother in law had to make the terrible decision to put Pookie to sleep. It was horrible. She got very sick very fast. Pookie had been with Lin and Keith for 18 years...Long time. We all miss her yowling when she did not get her way. The picture above shows one of the other tragiedies of the year... We still think Zeke is going to wander into the room with his funky strut. On the right you can see what I did at the start of October. Turned out pretty well. First paying gig and for a wedding! Okay so that isn't quite true...LONG STORY! The semester is almost over and I feel good about this semester so far. Hope the next two weeks go smoothly. So many things have happened recently it all seems a blur. One friend who was diagnosed with breast cancer in June has almost finished chemo! One more treatment. Meanwhile another friend is in my thoughts while she just tries to deal with the sheer weight of her news. My thoughts are with her always. I will be glad to be on the other side of Christmas as I always end up missing my family. I have so many it feels strange to only have us.(Okay so that is 6). But my mom has 10 brothers and sisters...And I am one of 9. So you can see a pretty HUGE family just there... Time keeps coming and time keeps going and so it will continue... Do we ever feel caught up? I haven't yet. Most of the time I feel good about it but just for a moment I would love to freeze the kids and enjoy them just this moment. I have been knitting lately and will try to get pictures of my sock on here soon. And maybe I will have a Christmas present picture too!
Peace to you and yours,