
The Lady who got me started

Friday, May 18, 2007


Last night in the middle of my weekly Stitch and Bitch gathering my husband called to see if I wanted to get my grades...I probably should have said I will wait til I get home but I had been on edge all day about this so I said go ahead... I was happy to hear what they were and am now relieved and ready to get back to it. I love going to school and learning but the end of a semester always has me on the brink. So today I woke more relaxed than I have been in weeks... Thanks to all my friends and family that have put up with my craziness!
On another note Deb, has allowed me to borrow her sock collection book from Interweave. Hopefully I can decied on which one to knit with either my Step or Lornas Lace. I also have some Regia Silk that is begging to become something... That is my goal for the day...
Peace to all.

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